Forum Discussion

fazlook's avatar
Frequent Contributor
8 years ago

How to do a load test on a web service for 1 month ? and get response time, etc......

Using SoapUI,


How to do a load test on a web service for 1 month ? and get response time, etc......


I want to send GET requests only with different values.......Key is the only parametre I have in my URL.


I want to do a load/stress test on my webservice.


Thank you


  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2
    What is the exact issue? load test allows you to configure the time right? And the statistics are show too.
    • fazlook's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      Hello :)


      I was able to to load tests, however I don't quite well understand the relation between threads and Delay between tests.


      Delay between tests, mean the delay between every teststep ?


      Also, I have a service that I want to kill.....I ma using simple strategy but it not helping a lot.


      I have my request that reads data from a txt file and send GET requests based on that value.


      My file has almost 1300 records. I am using 100 Threads and ran the test for 14 hours with not luck :) I am trying to reproduce a scenario where this service dies after millions of requests.

      • fazlook's avatar
        Frequent Contributor
        Also, am I able to set no time Limit on my loadtest ?