Forum Discussion

HP-Plano-TX-Soa's avatar
Occasional Contributor
11 years ago

How to create a Groovy JAR file for SoapUI using Eclipse

I need to know the steps required to create an Eclipse-Kepler groovy project for use in soapUI Free. I want to create a JAR file which soapUI Free will import.

I have already created a package of classes called "customScripts", which contains several Groovy scripts. SoapUI Pro picks up this package and uses it, simply by placing the package folder in

the correct soapUI Pro path. But I need to create a JAR file from this identical groovy package, "customScripts", so that I can place the JAR file in the ..../bin/ext/ folder of the soapUI Free

version. This will enable my "customScripts" to be used in that free version of soapUI.

I have installed Eclipse Kepler, and I have added both the Groovy and soapUI plugins. I have created a Groovy project, and placed my "customScripts" Groovy source files in the src directory of

the Project. However, Eclipse complains that the "customScripts" package does not match the Project Package - which is "Default". I note that when I attempt to edit the Project Package, I get a

long drop-down list of Packages, and I am not able to chose the name "customScripts". I have to chose from a predetermined set of packages. These look like Packages that tell the Project what

environment I am wanting to target - like Groovy, or soapUI, and specific variants within that general environment. Maybe I am confused about what the Package needs to be - I am very new to

Java-Groovy JAR file creation.

Can someone provide a tutorial on the simplest way to create a JAR file from my "customScripts" Groovy package, one that soapUI Free will be able to import and use?

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