Hello again!
Groovy is one of the best parts of SoapUI I would say! :-)
1. For this part I would consider writing yourself a custom Groovy library to contain any code that you need to be reused. In the pro version of SoapUI there is script library functionality for this, but its also quite easy in the Open Source version. Basically SoapUI can use extenernal java/Groovy libraries added to the /ext extensions folder - brief steps are:
1a) Create a Groovy class to contain your code e.g. with a public method, in a folder structure matching its package declaration.
1b) Compile the class
1c) Create a jar file containing the packaged class.
2. To make the jar file library available to SoapUI, place it in the<SoapUI Home> /java/app/bin/ext folder and restart SoapUI, you should see a message in the SoapUI log indicating the the jar file has been picked up. To use the function from the class in the Jar file, use a standard import statement to import the class e.g. in a Groovy TestStep or Script Assertion. Then instantiate the class and call the method on it you need.
3. Using testRunner.testCase.name from a Groovy TestStep or using the approach from http://community.smartbear.com/t5/SoapUI-Open-Source/How-to-access-standard-i-e-non-custom-properties/m-p/104385#M18200 (assuming it was right for you in that post!)
4. When calling the method of your library class you could pass the value of testRunner.testCase.name directly.
(I can happily elaborate further on any of these if necessary, really needed an actual example to be more clear)
Does this make sense?