6 years agoNew Member
How to add description for each api response data in swagger api doc
Hi, I am creating api using Swagger. My api is working fine. Now what I want is, I want to add description for each data that is returning my api. Suppose here is my api functionality.
@SWG\POST( path="/api/data", tags={"datas"}, summary="returns all datas", description="Base url is :", @SWG\Parameter( name="Authorization", in="header", description="Token to access Audio File", required=true, type="string", default="Bearer TOKEN", description="Authorization" ), @SWG\Response( response="200", description="Successful operation", ), @SWG\Response( response=400, description="Invalid Data| Data not in request" ), @SWG\Response( response=401, description="Invalid token | Header Token is missing" ), )
This api functionlity returning data like this :
{ "data": [ { "id": 1, "title": "Title of the file", "description": "description of file", "content": "content name will be here", "thumbnail": "content thumbnail will be here" } ] }
Now what I want is, I want to add description in the documentation what does id, title, description, content & thumbnail means? I simple word I want to add little description for those. I have tried adding $ref and describing responses. But it is not working. Almost every time I am getting error like this failed to parse JSON/YAML response. Please help me on this. Thanks