7 years agoOccasional Contributor
Groovy Script to fetch latest document in collection returns inconsistent results
I'm trying to fetch the latest document from MongoDB collection.
The Groovy code is here
@Grab(group='com.gmongo', module='gmongo', version='1.5') import com.gmongo.GMongo import com.mongodb.MongoCredential import com.mongodb.* import com.mongodb.ServerAddress import com.gmongo.* import com.mongodb.MongoURI import com.mongodb.DBCursor; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.BasicDBList def mongoendpoint = context.expand( '${#Project#mongoendpoint}' ) def mongocollection=context.expand( '${#Project#mongocollection_jobs}' ) def mongo= new GMongo (new MongoURI(mongoendpoint)) def db = mongo.getDB(mongocollection) def collection = db.getCollection("**") DBCursor test = db.**.find().sort($natural:-1).limit(1); if (test.hasNext() ) { DBObject obj = test.next() String res=obj._id log.info(res) }
My problem is that results I'm getting are inconsistent, e.g. if I run script multiple time, approximately half of the times I'm getting correct document and half - another document, which if for sure not latest.
If I run the same query from mongo shell results are pretty consistent and correct.
Have anyone seen that before? Trying to understand if there's any error in my code etc...