Forum Discussion

saundap's avatar
11 years ago

getXMLHolder returns null.pointer


I have a series of testSteps, starting at 0. Step 1 is my SOAP request, named 'Assess'. Step 2 is my groovyScript.

My script is attempting to get the XML extracted from step 1, but I consistently encounter a java.lang.NullPointerException when I attempt to the value returned by the getXMLHolder method. I presume this means the code could not locate the Request I'm after.

Now, i'm able to confirm the Request has been generated and stored as I can access it via the context.expand method.

Does anyone have similar experience, is there something I'm missing fundamentally about the getXMLHolder method?

//Date: 22 November 2013
//Purpose: 'Output the <type:list-employee> contents of a request
//Note: This function is used in the XXXXX worksheet column XXXX
//By: Andrew Saunders -

//Step 1 - verify request and response are recorded
//Confirm if the Request is generated
// ("" + context.expand('${Assess#Request}'))
//Confirm if the Response is generated
// ("" + context.expand('${Assess#Response}'))

//Step 2 - set the request and response to a variable as an object
groovyUtils = new context )

//Get Request
requestHolder = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder("Assess#Request" ) ("" + requestHolder)
//Get Response
responseHolder = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder("Assess#Response") ("" + responseHolder)

//Step 3 - extract node value
// define namespace
//requestHolder.declareNamespace("soapenv", "")
//requestHolder.declareNamespace("typ", "")
//XPath on Request
x = requestHolder.getNodeValue( '//*[local-name() = "list-employee"]' )"...x..." + x)

//Step 4 - write to file
//Set output file
def myOutFile = "// Returns-OPA/datapool/output/multiple_employee_request.xml"

n = System.getProperty("line.separator")

//write/append the request to output file
def f = new File(myOutFile)
f.append(x + n, "UTF-8")