Forum Discussion

Denni's avatar
Occasional Contributor
16 years ago

does not contain operation meta data??

Ok I've got a problem by programming a webservice.
I installed SoapUI and JBoss and than deployed my project.
I was starting Jboss and SoapUI. Then I made a new Project.
Down ther is my Code for my Webservice.
The problem is, that when I start SoapUI and tryed to test the
webservice I allway get an error. Mabye you can help me.
I want that the Webservice is able to search dokument after a word
and give out these dokuments in a list.
But I don't know how to send parameters.
I hope you know what I mean.

My Webservice

package web.service;

* WebServiceSearch
* @author ....

import javax.ejb.EJB;
import javax.jws.WebMethod;
import javax.jws.WebService;
import javax.naming.InitialContext;


@WebService(name = "SearchService", serviceName = "SearchService", targetNamespace = "")
public class WebServiceSearch {

SearchLocal searchBean;

SearchLocal getSearchBean() {

if (searchBean == null) {

try {
searchBean = (SearchLocal) new InitialContext()
} catch (Exception a) {
throw new RuntimeException(a);
return searchBean;

//public java.util.ArrayList<String> getItems(java.lang.String searchTerm) {
  // new java.util.ArrayList<String>();

public void searchInDocumentFieldsForSimpleSearch(final String and_search, final Long userId)

public void createIndex()

this is the XML Request in SoapUI

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="">

and this is the response

<env:Envelope xmlns:env="">
        <faultstring>Endpoint {}SearchServicePort does not contain operation meta data for: {}greet</faultstring>