Forum Discussion

rajimis's avatar
Occasional Contributor
8 years ago

Date Feild Validation failed for type xsd:gYear type in SOAP ui.

I am having trouble to identify the validation logic that SOAP ui implements . There is one date feild which is type xsd:gYear .When i am validating the value "20161411" its failed in SOAP uI, but same feild is by passing in java framework , which i have same XSD and same wsdl .

Can any one have any idea on this .

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    Please provide more details about the error in conjunction with your xml schema definition or wsdl. What exactly the type of the element? a dataTime?
    • rajimis's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Hi ,

      Thanks for reply .


      Please find below details .


      Feild Is :-



      It's type is xsd:gYear


      <xsd:simpleType name="Date_NoID">

      <xsd:union memberTypes="xsd:gYear"/>


      When i am providing the value as 20171210 which is 8 digit , it's throwing me the error in SOAP UI , whcih i am doing by right click validate .The error message is "union value '20171210' does not match any members of 'Date in namespace'".


      If We give the value as "201615" which is six digit it's passed the validation .


      So i want to understand how SOAP UI  , setting the maxlength for the Feild i.e of type xsd:gYear


      The same feild it is passing in JAVA , having same XSD refrenece using SchemaValidator .