Forum Discussion

mazam's avatar
New Contributor
7 years ago

custom value for boundary in Content-Type header

My server is rejecting the POST request and the server support has told me that the issue is the boundary value in the POST. 

The Content-Type sent is as follows:


Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary="----=_Part_169_12725615.1519667201887"


I am told that the server does not accept any special characters in the boundary value. It should all be alpha numeric. Like e.g. a boundary="----boundary1" will be acceptable. 


Does anyone knows how to do this please?

    • mazam's avatar
      New Contributor

      This does not solve my issue. I want to attach an audio file. If I put it's contents there then the file becomes corrupt. I need a way to be able to specify customer header which SOAPUI can use when attaching files.

  • JHunt's avatar
    Community Hero

    Hmm, if this was a SOAP request then there's an option for "Inline Files" but there isn't the same option for REST.


    In the source code (, the implementation for SOAP boils down to this, which is fairly straightforward:



    String content = null; byte[] data = Tools.readAll(in, -1).toByteArray(); //... content = new String(data); //...


    So, you can use the workaround Paul referred to, plus use an inline Groovy script to inline the file contents:



    Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary="----someboundary"

    Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="audio.mp3"
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
    Content-Disposition: form-data; name="audio.mp3"; filename="audio.mp3"

    ${=new String(new File('audio.mp3').bytes)}

    Note that the boundary value in the body needs two more hyphens than the boundary value in the header.


    To my eye, the request generated seems identical to a normal REST request with attachments, except for the boundaries. Plus if I send it to a local MockService it seems to parse it ok. So there's every chance this might work for you.