Cookie issue with SoapUi 5.1.2
I'm not able to retrieve the cookies sent by the server when using a script in an assertion (same in a test case using a script step).
Here is the example I'm using in the assertion:
if (messageExchange.responseHeaders.containsKey('Set-Cookie')) { "Found Cookie in the response headers"
def cookiez = messageExchange.responseHeaders['Set-Cookie'].value
def list = []
cookiez.each { cookies ->
} list
} else {
log.warn "Not Found Cookie in the response headers"
I always gets the error message "Not Found Cookie in the response headers".
In the http log I can see the cookies sent by my server.
For TestCases, I have set the "Authenticate Preemptively" in HTTP settings and "Maintain HTTP session" in Test case options. But still not able to retrieve cookies.
Is this suppose to work ?
I have set the "Follow Redirects" properties to false and it's working now.
The server was asking for a redirect.