Forum Discussion

vamshikrishna's avatar
New Contributor
8 years ago

connections to WebspeherMQ established via HermesJms are never closed

I am using SoapUI to test my JMS Service via HermesJMS after few tests I get an error that says connections are not available.


Cause: Connections established with the MQ system are never closed.


We use WebspeherMQ and there we have a setting that creates only 10 connections per pc.

So after few tests, all the connections are exhausted and we get the error.


Can someone help me how to solve the above problem without changing the connection limit on MQ?


    • vamshikrishna's avatar
      New Contributor



      JMS Service that we are testing is asynchronous and there wouldn't be any response from the service.

      Will the connection be still awake waiting for the response.

      Do you think, not setting the timeout property can actually exhaust the connections in the pool?

    • vamshikrishna's avatar
      New Contributor



      I dont see any special option for closing the MQ connections from SoapUI.

      Let me know if there are any.


      Also article talks about Groovy script and I have no idea  what groovy is ?


      does the free version of SoapUI supports running groovy scripts?


      Do you have other alternative other than running the Groovy script as i cannot spend time learning groovy just to close open connections to MQ. ?


