Forum Discussion

pf's avatar
Occasional Contributor
14 years ago

xsi:type and namespace prefixes


we have a teststep 'SampleStep' which returns this response:

<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<ns2:Container xmlns="" xmlns:ns2="">
<referencedObjects xsi:type="Person" xmlns:xsi="">

in the next step we add in the request the following xpath because we need the referencedObjects from the SampleStep Response:

declare namespace ws='';

this returns the following xml-fragment:

<ws:referencedObjects xsi:type="Person" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:ws="">

soapui adds all the prefixes in the tags correctly (ws:), but not in xsi:type="Person" - now we have the problem that jaxb cannot deserialize the person anymore because of the xsi:type="Person" which is in no namespace. when we change it to xsi:type="ws:Person" it works.

has someone an idea how we can use a simple xpath for the same and which add the prefix ws: to the Person too? or what's an easy solution to the problem and why is this not working automatically?

thanks for helping
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