Forum Discussion

JayKrish's avatar
Occasional Contributor
3 years ago

Version 3.20.1 is throwing OTD error

Upgrading from 3.10.2 to 3.20.1 version is not working for me. simple soap request is throwing 

HTTP/1.1 410 Gone
Date: Fri, 28 Jan 2022 14:04:55 GMT
Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
Via: 1.1 omcscbbjqodeue, 1.1 dca1-bit9022
Proxy-agent: Oracle-Traffic-Director/
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Transfer-Encoding: chunked


<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>410 Gone</TITLE></HEAD><BODY bgcolor=white><H1>Gone</H1><BLOCKQUOTE>Access to the requested URI has been blocked by the URL Firewall.<p>If you believe that you have reached this page while performing valid operations within the application, please send mail to explaining what you were doing when you got this error.</BLOCKQUOTE><HR></BODY></HTML>


Please help me revert to previous working version 3.10.2.

Note: 3.20.0 version also gave this same error.



  • Thanks for the older version link. I am yet to compare the requests from ReadyAPI and Postman. I will work on it and open a new thread with the findings.


    Thanks a lot.


5 Replies

  • richie's avatar
    Community Hero
    Hey JayKrish

    Intriguing....ive never come across a 410 before!

    Ok, so i looked through the release notes for versions 3.20.0 and 3.20.1 to see if i could see anything that jumps out that might indicate a reason why youre getting this error, but i couldnt spot anything.

    Does this occur for all your SOAP test steps within your get a 410 for EVERY request?

    Secondly, do you get a 410 for test steps in other projects you have open in ReadyAPI!?

    You have a Proxy-agent content header with the value "Oracle-Traffic-Director/", it's a daft question i think but im guessing you are proxying your requests before they get the the relevant that correct? Ive seen the proxy setting switch when upgrading my ReadyAPI! version before now. I'm wondering if the proxying is helping to cause the failure to manifest.....

    Have you got any test steps in the current project or others that aren't proxied at all?

    Have you tried giving your SOAP service a quick poke with Postman? I could moan all day how i think Postman is naff, but one of the things it is good at is quick and easy setup if you just want to poke an API quickly. I'm curious if you get the same behaviour with Postman.

    That's all i got for now i'm afraid. Perhaps one of thr other forum users will have some better ideas!

    Please respond back with the results of my questions.....i'm sure we'll be able to diagnose and determine the fix once we have more info (well.....unless it's a defect).



    • JayKrish's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      Thanks Rich,


      To answer your questions:

      1. yes, it is happening to all Soap requests (verified with multiple test steps across multiple projects

      2. yes, i am able to send the same request through Postman

      3. our endpoint goes thru data power and then to load balancer and then finally hit the server

      4. i am not using any proxying at my end. 


      Hope i have answered all the concerns. This happened to the previous version 3.20.0 as well. i luckily had 3.10.2 version downloaded exe that i reinstalled the older version. But this time, when i installed 3.20.1, it looks like it wiped that exe file as well.

      If i can go back 3.10.2 exe file, i can go back in version and i am sure these same requests will work as expected.



      • richie's avatar
        Community Hero
        Hey JayKrish,

        If it still works in Postman, but not ReadyAPI, then i think easiest way to diagnose the issue, is to do a comparative analysis of the Postman requests relative to whats been generated via ReadyAPI!

        You have 2 options i can think of here. You can either compare the differences in the Postman vs ReadyAPI request details by comparing the RAW request details from both.

        Or, you can setup Fiddler as a proxy and reexecute Postman and grab the RAW details from Fiddler (saving for later comparison), then repoint ReadyAPI to use Fiddler as a proxy and then submit ReadyAPI request, then grab the RAW request details and save them. Then you can spot the differences between the successful (Postman) and unsucceasful (ReadyAPI) and work out what you need to change in ReadyAPI to get your request working.

        I alwaya have multiple versions of ReadyAPI installed (cos i install to different directories).

        You could always re-download v3.10.1 or whatever previous version from

