Forum Discussion

asseldonk01's avatar
8 years ago

Using mocks/virts when running ready api!/soapui NG in bamboo

Hi. We have integrated ready api!/soapui NG Pro with bamboo for continuous integration purposes. Does anybody has experience using mocks/virts when running soapui NG automation tests in Bamboo or any other continuous integration product. Using mocks/virts locally is not a problem.

2 Replies

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3

    No haven't used bamboo.



    If there is any specific issue, then that would help better.


    ReadyAPI /SoapUI is used by many people in Jenkins. It looks like Bamboo more richer software, so I am under impression that it should be possible.


    Coming to your case, all you might want to run a batch script (may have different OS) to start the mock which can be called from terminal and am sure there must be a way in the build process of Bamboo too.