Forum Discussion

bowlej's avatar
New Contributor
9 years ago

Using a variable in an XML request

Hi all,


I have set up a test case that has 3 test steps:


1. A script that creates a variable which is UUID, variable name "uuid"

2. A script that created a variable which is a unique email address, variable name "email"

3. An XML soap request that i would like to send that includes a variable referenced in step 1 and step 2  


I reference the variable like this "${uuid}" or "${email}" in the XML request.






The problem is when i run my test case the XML request is not getting updated with the variables i have created in the previous steps.


I think the problem is down to my misunderstanding TBH, how can i construct my test so it does work in the way i would like?


I have attached a screenshot to show what this looks like in soap.


Any help would be much appreciated.



  • In your script, you need to add the uuid, and email to the context, then only you will be able to use them like you wish to.

    for instance:
    def uuid = "243d-3432-kja-dkfkfjdkd"
    context.uuid = uuid
  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2
    In your script, you need to add the uuid, and email to the context, then only you will be able to use them like you wish to.

    for instance:
    def uuid = "243d-3432-kja-dkfkfjdkd"
    context.uuid = uuid