Forum Discussion

LZhang's avatar
Frequent Contributor
17 years ago

Update definition removes the old web methods


I am using the latest 2.0.2 Pro, dist-286 verision of SoapUI.  There is a problem with "Update Definition."  Let's say I have a web method called "LinkCEDevice" in my definition "DeviceManagement."  I have over 100 test cases that call "LinkCEDevice" method.  After updating definition on DeviceManagement, it shows that LinkCEDevice has been replaced by LinkDevice.  Basically the two web methods are the same except probably some field changes.  However, SoapUI would then remove all LinkCEDevice from all the test cases that refer to this old method.  Then it creates a big problem for us trying to figure out of the hundred+ test cases, from which steps has the old "LinkCEDevice" method been removed so that we can replace it with the new LinkDevice method.  We have to literally open our old project files and compare the two project side by side to see where this "LinkCEDevice" gets called in the test cases.  I think you get the grill.  :-)

Is it possible NOT to remove any obsolete web methods and just leave that option for the users to do a "copy to test request" to choose where they want the new request to replace the old ones?

Thanks a lot,

4 Replies

  • omatzura's avatar
    Super Contributor
    Hi Li,

    Both the Update Definition and Refactor functionality should provide you with an option to map the old LinkCEDevice operation to the new LinkDevice one.. Is this not the case? Or do the requests still get removed?


  • LZhang's avatar
    Frequent Contributor

    1. Refactor only shows me the mapping between LinkCEDevice and LinkDevice VISUALLY/GRAPHICALLY.  However, after I finish the refactoring process, it displays "update is complete" or something like that.  It doesn't actually go into any test cases to update the methods.  In this case, it doesn't REPLACE LinkCEDevice with LinkDevice physically.  What I am trying to say is the refactoring only shows us the graphical mapping rather than actually replacing the old methods with the new methods.  Therefore, I think this is a bug in refactoring.

    2. Update definition doesn't replace LinkCEDevice with LinkDevice either.  It simply removes the old method from all test cases, leaving us to find out where we should insert the new method.

  • omatzura's avatar
    Super Contributor
    Hi Li,

    I agree that both of these are not really what you would expect (ie "bugs").. I'll put them on the list and hope to have them fixed in the 2.0.3 release.

    Thanks for pointing them out!


  • Lars's avatar
    Hi Li,

    This works for me now. After renaming an operation and sending a test request, the SOAP action in the request is updated and hits the new operation in the server. B

    But the test step name is not updated in the browser, so it may still look like the test is using the old operation.

    Was your problem that the SOAP action was not updated, or that the SOAP body was not updated, or that the test step name was not updated?
