Forum Discussion

jcrosby's avatar
New Contributor
11 years ago

Unable to set multiple end points (No Endpoint set)

Hi, I have just loaded version 4.6.3. I was on an older version and could set and edit multiple end points with each request. Now, when I click on the end point text field above the request / response screen I get a message that the end point is not set. It will let me change the displayed end point, but I have a requirement to use multiple end points and this was a great feature in the previous version. Is there some setting I am missing?

Thanks in advance.

2 Replies

  • Hi,

    Please post a picture of what you are seeing. In SoapUI 4.6.3 you should be able to create and use multiple endpoints in the response\request editor.
  • jcrosby's avatar
    New Contributor
    I have attached an image of the request/response screen. When I hover over the URL, I get a help text type message that says: "- no endpoint set for request -".
