7 years agoOccasional Contributor
unable to connect to db2 database in linux environment
established a connection sucessfully through groovy in windows to DB2 environment but the same is not working in the linux environment.
if (environment=="qa"){
sql = Sql.newInstance('jdbc:db2://x.x.x.x:xxxxx/bd2:currentSchema=QA;','username', 'pwd','');
//checks for dev
res = sql.firstRow("SELECT id FROM table1 AS a, Table2 AS b where a.value ='"+myvalue+ "' and a.ID = b.ID");[0])
i have added the required jar files(db2jcc_license_cu.jar,db2jcc4.jar & sqljdbc42.jar) in the root/readyAPI/bin/etc folder in linux still unable to establish the connect to the bd.
any one faced simillar kind of issue.