Unable to capture HTML Acknowledgement || Linux Command line.
Hi Guys,i am running Soapui from command line in Linux, and is struggling to capture the acknowledgement that comes as HTML:
I am able to capture the request and acknowledgement form the Soapui GUI after running in Windows.
Request: is attached
Acknowledgement: is attached
The Linux command line output generates an output file something like this:
Status: FAILED
Time Taken: 557
Size: 0
Timestamp: Fri Jul 06 23:23:23 NZST 2018
TestStep: Query Place
----------------- Messages ------------------------------
java.net.SocketException: Connection reset
----------------- Properties ------------------------------
Endpoint: https://www.test.com
Encoding: UTF-8
---------------- Request ---------------------------
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:mes="http://www.tcf.org.nz/v0.0.1/bif/MessageDiagnosticHeader" xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:touc="http://www.tcf.org.nz/v5/bif/touchpoint">
<mes:MessageDiagnosticHeader URI="">
---------------- Response --------------------------
- missing response / garbage collected -
So here the response should be the HTML one saying that the portal is currently under maintenance.