Testing for login failure
I'm new to both SOAP testing and SmartBear test tools. Right now I'm creating the failure test case for login. The test case uses "Get" API that has parmaters username and password. For the test case assertion, I use "JSONPath Expression" and the expression is $['IsSuccessful']. If login is good then the expected result is "true". However I would like to validate for the failure password so if the login fails, it should return false as expected result. so after I put "false" as the expected value and the password parameter I just use random text. But after I execute the test suite, that test case results as fail instead of pass. What did I do wrong? thanks.
200 OK is a standard status code for successful HTTP requests. Content-Length: 0 indicates that no JSON data was in the response so likely to be a problem with the service not the test step or assertion.