Tags not working via cmd line after updating to readyAPI 2.6.0
Dear Team,
We are facing issue with our project after updating to ReadyAPI 2.6.0 we are getting below error:
"16:38:15,683 WARN [SoapUIProTestCaseRunner] There are no suites with the specified tags."
Same project is working in readyAPI 2.5.0 and GUI is working on both version.
Can you please check and let me know what I'm missing.
cmd used for 2.5.0 :
<path_of_testrunner> <path_of_project_xml> -R"JUnit-Style HTML Report" -f"<path_for_report> -T"TestSuite <Tagname>"
cmd used for 2.6.0:
<path_of_testrunner> <path_of_project_xml> -R"JUnit-Style HTML Report" -f"<path_for_report> "-TTestSuite <Tagname>"
Yes you have two option.
1) Go back to previous readyAPI which you were using (which we did to avoid any new issue).
2) Download maintenance build of ReadyAPI 2.6.0
( https://support.smartbear.com/downloads/readyapi/maintenance)
Hope that help.