Forum Discussion

ArthurM's avatar
Occasional Contributor
6 years ago

Tactics to Overcome Git Version Control Issues in ReadyAPI

In my recent project my team was using Git version control to develop ReadyAPI composite project and we were getting many merge conflicts. Researching ReadyAPI forum I found out that many other people had also faced those issues, so I tried to find a custom solution for our problem, which I described in a recent blog post, hopefully might be useful to someone else:

  • Hi Artur,


    Thanks for the clarification.

    I've passed your blog and your concerns to our R&D team - they will review it.

    Thanks for bringing up this question! It's important for us to listen to your use cases.

3 Replies

    • ArthurM's avatar
      Occasional Contributor

      TanyaYatskovska  I did a lot of research before coming to this, it showed 2 things:


      1. several threads for the same topic shows that many other people have faced similar issues

      2. answer of Staff member in this thread leaves us with manually resolving conflicts


      It is not a question of one issue, I think the part of how XML files are being modified when user makes changes on the GUI level needs significant improvement to eliminate or minimize unsolicited changes - like in the case when reordering one test suite or renaming one API triggers modifications in multiple files.


      As for custom properties, having a flag for each property to mark it to persist or drop the value after execution could solve the issue of getting conflicts on dynamic properties, however saving current value somewhere for investigation purposes.


      Without these changes it gets impractical to use ReadyAPI with a big team, which could force one to search for alternatives.



      • Hi Artur,


        Thanks for the clarification.

        I've passed your blog and your concerns to our R&D team - they will review it.

        Thanks for bringing up this question! It's important for us to listen to your use cases.