4 years agoFrequent Contributor
Support for a custom message queue platform ?
It looks like ReadyAPI only supports messaging platforms which are based on JMS. Currently, it only supports two JMS platforms as mentioned here - Active MQ & WebSphere MQ. Say, I have a custom messaging platform or a commercial one like Amazon SNS.
What do I need to make ReadyAPI work with my platform? Does ReadyAPI need to build custom solutions for my platform or do I just need to figure out how to make my platform accessible to ReadyAPI?
Keywords - MQ, Message Queue, Messaging Queue, Message Queuing, JMS, Messaging, Non-JMS, message-oriented middleware, message oriented middleware.
- Hey rajs2020
I think the majority of messaging support is historical cos jms has been around for yonks and jms support was included in Eviware's SoapUI.
There is an AMQP plugin i believe and i think i might have seen someone post a question about MQTT too, although im not sure as im relying on my memory.