Forum Discussion

ashsharma22's avatar
Occasional Contributor
5 years ago

SonarQube Integration with ReadyAPI

Hi Team,

Please provide step by step approach to integrate sonarqube with readyapi. Or do we have any alternative approach within ReadyAPI to do the code quality check for groovy scripting.




  • Hey ashsharma22,

    rajs2020 asked a similar question although he didnt mention sonarqube specifically.
    As far as im aware theres no readyapi! plugin that supports sonarqube, so im guessing you coulr either scrape out the code manually to do a lint/static analysis to check or you could use sonarqube in a ci/cd pipeline after youve commit your branch updates to a remote branch (run sonarqube then), before merging remote branch to master perhaps?

    Theres bound to be various ways, but none truely integrated with readyapi! I suspect.


  • I made a feature request for linting/code quality over here - . If you find it useful, then please give it a thumbs up.

    From this sonarqube forum link, it looks like a custom plugin needs to be created for ReadyAPI. So, you might have to look for a plugin created by a reliable company or create one yourself. I'd suggest that you ask this question in the sonarqube forum also. Mention to them that ReadyAPI is not a programming language because this might impact the possibility of integration with sonarqube.

    If you post in the sonarqube forum, then please put your post link here. Good luck!

  • richie's avatar
    Community Hero
    Hey ashsharma22,

    rajs2020 asked a similar question although he didnt mention sonarqube specifically.
    As far as im aware theres no readyapi! plugin that supports sonarqube, so im guessing you coulr either scrape out the code manually to do a lint/static analysis to check or you could use sonarqube in a ci/cd pipeline after youve commit your branch updates to a remote branch (run sonarqube then), before merging remote branch to master perhaps?

    Theres bound to be various ways, but none truely integrated with readyapi! I suspect.


    • rajs2020's avatar
      Frequent Contributor

      I made a feature request for linting/code quality over here - . If you find it useful, then please give it a thumbs up.

      From this sonarqube forum link, it looks like a custom plugin needs to be created for ReadyAPI. So, you might have to look for a plugin created by a reliable company or create one yourself. I'd suggest that you ask this question in the sonarqube forum also. Mention to them that ReadyAPI is not a programming language because this might impact the possibility of integration with sonarqube.

      If you post in the sonarqube forum, then please put your post link here. Good luck!