Forum Discussion

jz1's avatar
Occasional Contributor
6 years ago

SoapUI Pro reports for on same test case executed multiple times in a loop



I have a test case that is executed in a loop.  The test execution is invoked from Groovy script with different input parameter to the test execution.  When I used the SoapUI Pro reporting, wether using Junit style or SoapUI reports, it only display the last run result from the looped execution.  Is there any way to have the reports concactenate all each indiviual test run in one report?  


Thank you,


  • jz1's avatar
    6 years ago



    The following article shows how to log test results through test case teardown.  All credit goes to the author of that article.  The CSV file created concactantes all the result runs from repeat execution.  The code worked as is and I just made some modification in passing some input parameters that indicates names of tests (from Excel) to be logged in the result sets.  If anyone is insterested I can post it here.


  • jz1 ,


    I also faced this issue but didn't find any workaround, what i did was save all the request and responses in txt file(by writing small groovy code).


    • jz1's avatar
      Occasional Contributor



      Thank you for your recommendation.  I also wrote Groovy scripts to capture the request and response data.  However I really like the reports produced by SoapUI Pro.  This is the main reason our company upgraded from SoapUI OS to Pro.  This will be a nonstarter for us for using SoapUI Pro going forward if the reporting features can not meet our requirements.  

      • HimanshuTayal's avatar
        Community Hero

        Hi jz1 ,


        I am not a Smartbear employee if you have any concern you can contact smartbear team or Nastya_Khovrina  can help you solving your problem.