Forum Discussion

priyamgarg's avatar
New Contributor
10 years ago

SOAPUI Pro doesn't return description for HTTP Code 428


SOAPUI Pro doesn't return HTTP status Text for REST API which return HTTP Code 428.

Description for HTTP status Code 428, "Precondition Required" is not returned in raw response.

As per HTTP Tutorial (REF:

428 Precondition Required

The 428 status code indicates that the origin server requires the request to be conditional.

Its typical use is to avoid the "lost update" problem, where a client GETs a resource's state, modifies it, and PUTs it back to the server, when meanwhile a third party has modified the state on the server, leading to a conflict. By requiring requests to be conditional, the server can assure that clients are working with the correct copies.

Responses using this status code SHOULD explain how to resubmit the request successfully.

Please let me know if my understanding is correct or any setting needs to be done for this.

Priyam Garg
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