Forum Discussion
- PhilipSharmanNew Contributor
The steps on worked for me (on OS X 10.10.3):
- Start ‘Activity Monitor’ and Force Kill your dead soapUI process. [Or use Command-Option-Escape to force quit it.]
- In Finder, /Applications/SmartBear/ > Show Package Contents.
- Edit /Applications/SmartBear/
- Uncomment this line# JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Dsoapui.browser.disabled=true". [In other words, remove the "#" to stop it being a comment.]
- Edit /Applications/SmartBear/
- Add -Dsoapui.browser.disabled=true.
- Start soapUI.
[In those paths, change soapUI-5.0.0 to match your version. For me it is soapUI-5.1.3.]
Hope this helps.
- MzamoNew Member
This awesome post !! it worked very well. How did you get this to work. Well done , nice post
- nev3rm0reNew Member
Registered here just to thank you for instructions - they worked perfectly for me (SoapUI-5.3.0 on macOS Sierra/10.12.4)
- cskOccasional Visitor
Just registered to say "Thank you PhilipSharman" for the given solution.
It worked in my case with SOAP-UI Version 5.3.0 (5.3.0) :smileyvery-happy:
- gerhardpretNew Contributor
I have the same on Mac OS 10.10.2 Mac Book Pro.
When I disable Wifi , it opens faster... but then it hangs again.
Kind of make it impossible to even start somewhere
Free version. just installed.. Not Pro
IS there any workaround for this somewhere?
- gerhardpretNew Contributor
Updated to Java 8 Update 40 just to be sure.. but same thing..
- nmrao
Champion Level 2
any thing obvious that is seen in the logs?
- cibergNew Member
I also just registered to say thanks because I was already desperate and the solution worked for me with 5.3.0.
I also wanted to say that is incredible that after all the time (and versions) this problem is not yet solved.
This does not give me confidence to buy the full product.