SoapUI Maven Starting Test with specific tags
Hello everyone,
I know this question is asked often but I can'f find an answer.
I would like to run TestSuites with special tags based on the enviroment. I know there are groovy scripts but I don't like those solutions.
Specifies the tags of the test cases to be run. |
If i understand this correctly, I can specify my tag in my maven goals but do I have to specify this tag for each TestCase or is there a way to use a tag for all Suites?
<testSuite>${testSuite} Integration</testSuite>
All my attempts didn't work so far, so maybe someone can help me please?
My tags are called
- Integration
- Test
Part of my pom.xml if needed:
<configuration> <!--<globalProperties> <value>preemptive=true</value> </globalProperties> --> <projectFile>flexibill_project</projectFile> <printReport>false</printReport> <outputFolder>${}/soapui</outputFolder> <junitReport>true</junitReport> <exportAll>true</exportAll> <environment>Integration</environment> <readyApiProperties> <property> <name>soapui.logroot</name> <value>${}/soapui-logs/</value> </property> </readyApiProperties> <testSuite>${testSuite}</testSuite> <testCase>${testCase}</testCase> </configuration>
Hi Cekay,
Currently, the "tags" parameter value cannot be empty. But, I believe this situation be handled better, so please report this issue via a support ticket: