Forum Discussion

richie's avatar
Community Hero
8 years ago

SoapUI - Where are the log files stored?



I've googled this and found other people have asked this on this forum and stackoverflow, but the answer didn't help me.


The logs button reveals the logging that is recorded, but I want to be able to find the relevant log files so I can review the logging more easily and Development want the log files too - so I need to be able to send them the log files.


The other posts about this, people point to the log4j file (soapui-log4j.xml) saved in ReadyAPI!-2.1.0/bin


HOWEVER - the log4j file just controls the logging levels - right?


Im after the different log files -ReadyAPI log, http log, error log etc.


I did a search for .log and I didn't find anything that appeared to help.


Am I missing something really obvious?


Thanks to all!



  • I think the logs you are looking for are stored in your OS user directory. For Windows, something like c:\users\username\.readyapi\logs

    Should be similar for other operating systems.
  • groovyguy's avatar
    Community Hero
    I think the logs you are looking for are stored in your OS user directory. For Windows, something like c:\users\username\.readyapi\logs

    Should be similar for other operating systems.
  • Can you be specific on which logs file you wish to examine? There are several different ones. For instance in SoapUI NG after you run a test suite you can click the gear icon on the far right below the "Coverage" button, then click "Ezport results" That gives you a browser window and from there you can browse to the folder and name the file you want to save the log.


    There is a "Request Log" tab in the request editor (in SoapUI NG) that prints the response time. You can of course select all that in the window and paste it to a text file.


    A more detailed log can be obtained by running TestRunner at the Test Suite level. You can copy and paste from the display window all the details into another text file.

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 3
    I believe that you have already found the log location based on the other question, righ?
    • richie's avatar
      Community Hero

      Sorry - no I haven't found where the logs are stored (relative to the other question - I simply clicked on the 'Logs' button (bottom left of window) and copied the content out from the SoapUI window.


      I was talking about the ReadyAPI Log, the HTTP Log, Error Log etc.


      As I say - other people have asked this and been pointed to C:\Program Files\SmartBear\ReadyAPI-2.1.0\bin - however there aren;t any log files containing the detail from the ReadyAPI Log, http log, error log etc. in that directory.


      I've attached a screenshot of my directory so you can see if I'm missing something.....


      Thanks guys - the logs window is helpful - but sometimes you just want to be able to email the logs to people or even capture the logging as evidence and I cant do this currently except copy and paste the detail in the logs window out to a .txt file.



