Forum Discussion

doubtsreadyapi's avatar
5 years ago

Showing message process pid and not exited

Hi Lucian 


I am trying to run the groovy script mentioned in


where as i am getting a message process Pid and not exited. what does this means? attached is the message what i am receiving i am running the below groovy script


'cmd /c putty.exe -ssh -l xxxxxx -pw xxxx  -m fileFromWhichToExecuteCommands'.execute()


  • richie's avatar
    Community Hero
    Hey doubtsreadyapi,

    I haven't seen Lucian on the board for a while now so i'll try and answer.

    The command you are trying to run (described via the embedded link you posted) is not working as hoped for a specific reason that 'fileFromWhichToExecuteCommands' is a placeholder for a script file that would include all the commands that you intend to execute on the remote server.

    Best way to check this sort of thing is actually execute the request outside of readyapi to try an get it working before trying from within readyapi

    If you consider the content of the request, it wont actually do anything except login remotely cos 'fileFromWhichToExecuteCommands' doesnt actually mean anything.

    As i said its a placeholder.

    You need to create a script file (that should include all the commands for what you want to exercise on the remote server) that will be called and executed when you run the groovy.

    Once youve created the file you need to updateyour groovy replacing 'fileFromWhichToExecuteCommands' with the path to the newly created file.

    Im guessing (and its a complete guess) youre getting a 'not exited' warning because your script doesnt end cos the command youre executing cant finish... yoube got the remote ssh login bit and then youve got the bit that is nonsensical cos of the placeholder, so the command cant exit/complete.

    Nice one
