Forum Discussion

allanwiese's avatar
12 years ago

Set a value to an attribute in property transfer


I´m trying to set a value to an attribute in a property transfer, but I still didn´t find the right way to write the target XPath.
I´m always getting a "Missing match for target path".

My transfer is bellow:
declare namespace SOAP-ENV="";
declare namespace eb="";
declare namespace xlink="";
declare namespace xsd="";
declare namespace xs="";
declare namespace xmlns="";

And the request I´m trying to fill is the following:
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:eb="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:xsd="">
<OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ Target="Production" Version="2.0" xmlns:xs="" xmlns="">
<Source PseudoCityCode="XXX">
<RequestorID Type="X.XXX.X" ID="XXX.XX">
<CompanyName Code="XXXXXXXX"/>
<OriginDestinationInformation RPH="1">
<OriginLocation LocationCode="GYN"/>
<DestinationLocation LocationCode="CWB"/>
<PassengerTypeQuantity Code="ADT" Quantity="1"/>
<RetainFare Ind="false"/>
<MinMaxStay Ind="true"/>
<RefundPenalty Ind="true"/>
<ResTicketing Ind="true"/>
<TravelPolicy Ind="false"/>
<IntelliSellTransaction Debug="0">
<RequestType Name="XXXXXXX"/>
<ServiceTag Name="XX"/>
<SabreAth Value="" BinarySecToken="" ConversationID=""/>

Is there a way to set an attribute value by property transfer?
Or even with Grrovy scripts?

Thanks in advance.

1 Reply

  • Aaronliu's avatar
    Frequent Contributor
    Sure. you should use "//" in root node.
    if you would like to use groovy script to set an attribute in custom property. that's no problem to do that. here is a simple example:

    #1:(need to create a script step. note: the script cannot be run directly, if you define testrunner in test suite or test case level, you should run it in test suite or test case respectively)
    def ts = context.getProperty("#TestSuiteRunner#").currentTestCase.testSuite
    def xmlHolder = new XmlHolder(context.expand ('${StepName#Response}')) //populate your test name
    xmlHolder.namespaces['ns1'] = 'http://.............................'
    def node = xmlHolder.getNodeValue("XPath expression") //just like you used in xpath assertion
    ts.setPropertyVaule("node") //set the value in custom properties of test suite level



    def groovyUtils = new
    def ts = testRunner.testCase.testSuite
    def xmlHolder = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder ("StepName#Response") //populate your step name
    xmlHolder.namespaces['ns1'] = 'http://.............................'
    def node = xmlHolder.getNodeValue("XPath expression") //just like you used in xpath assertion
    ts.setPropertyVaule("node") //set the value in custom properties of test suite level
