Forum Discussion

Siebe's avatar
Occasional Contributor
3 years ago

Send Mail Test Step does nothing

Does anybody know how to get the Send Mail test step working? I have tried 3 different mailservers (self configured on the same machine, google, office365) with all options that are available. Fiddler and network show that readyapi does not send any outgoing data and the log does not display anything. Where can I see what is wrong or just any data being send. Or is there another option?

  • richie's avatar
    Community Hero

    Hey Siebe 


    did you follow the following instructions?



    I'm surprised about the ZERO traffic in fiddler - this would make me think the config in ReadyAPI is completely wrong if it's not sending any traffic at all..


    Did you monitor the ReadyAPI log, HTTP log  and the Error logs whilst submitting the test step?


    If not - can you retry and publish the content of these logs - they may reveal the cause of the problem hindering the request working.


    I do know a couple of years back - this Send Mail teststep could only deal with basic authentication on mailboxes - but ive just had a look at the instructions and I think they've gotten past that now.





  • KarelHusa's avatar
    Champion Level 1

    Siebe ,

    I just checked the Send Mail step and did not work as well, also nothing in the log (ReadyAPI 3.30).

    This seems to me as a bug to be reported via service desk.


    If 3rd party email service is fine with you, using e.g. SendGrid REST API might be an option. 


    Best regards,



  • Siebe's avatar
    Occasional Contributor



    I configured fiddler to also see https traffic, now I can see (as shown in the gif below) that there is traffic towards api mixpanel com but the data is encrypted or contains no readable data (and it is very small in size, it should contain a lot more). I tried several other configs now with different kind of authorization but unfortunately no mail is send succesfully. Also, every log stays empty (screenshots below). I am now attempting to write a groovy script to send the email or make a post towards a service like sendgrid. But as you can see, several groovy scripts have been tried, also no luck yet. If anyone has an idea?




    • KarelHusa's avatar
      Champion Level 1

      Siebe ,

      please note that Send Email step should be using SMTP (port 25) not HTTP protocol, so HTTP proxy does not help here. The HTTP communication which you see (mixpanel etc.) is the product usage statistics, I rather switch it off when observing the HTTP communication. 


      The ReadyAPI documentation is also showing HTTP URL (, which is confusing for smtp as there should be just the server name (without http://).


      Best regards,



  • Siebe's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Also tried:

    all 3 smtp servers with http & https before the smtp address. Tried all three with ports 25, 487, 465. Set proxy setting in ReadyAPI on & off. Ran without fiddler. Tried in ReadyAPI 3.20.2, no success. Now checked application insights of our own set up smtp server, no request or post arrives. Tried running ReadyAPI from another machine in different network, no success. I am getting pretty sure this is a bug. If I could report it I would but I can not find the correct page for it.