Script Assertion checking dateTime
I am new to SoapUI, and have a question about a script assertion I need to put together. I have a DB DateTime in UTC value that I need to check against. So basically I have
def SQL_Departure = context.expand( ' ${yada_yada.Segment#ResponseAsXml#//Results[1]//resultSet[1]/row[1]//Departure[1]}; ).replace(".000000 ", "")
With the assert, I need to ensure that the table is not getting populated with records with a departure datetime less than 96 hours, so somewhat like:
assert SQL_Departure >= getUTCDate() + 4 //or 96 for hours instead of 4 for days. Would anyone know the best way of going about this?
nevermind. Figured it out...
import groovy.time.TimeCategory
def now = new Date()
adjDate = now + 4.days
}def dateFormat = adjDate.format("YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") dateFormat