Hi anand7892
there's lots of different ways of doing this - you say you know about parameterization and property transfer - but there's many, many ways to do this - also the question is quite open ended - so without lower level details (like examples of the REST requests in the various test suites) we can't really steer you in the 'right' direction - I can just give you an example of how I might do this is as follows - this isn't necessarily the 'best' approach - this is just one that I've used before and there were various reasons why I picked this rather than others at the time.
This is difficult to answer unless you can give me example request content for all your requests but for now I can summarise what I did.
Short answer - I created a properties file with my login parameters which I sourced as the first step in the first testcase in my Login test suite. I used parameterization and property transfer to grab the session variables from the Login test suite's initial test case (is there going to be more than 1 test case in the Login suite?) to pass onto the later tests in the Login Suite as well as passing them onto the test cases within the 2 Test Suites.
Just some notes on the properties files
I used a properties file rather than set them within SoapUI, just cos I find it easier to edit .csv's rather than fields in soapui. I created a properties file (.csv extension) - not .txt - I'm specifying the .csv for a number of reasons - SoapUI handles .csv's by default more effectively than .txt, although you can still do everything you can with a .txt as a .csv as far as I can tell.
The properties.csv content format had 1 header row, data row started at row 2 - it appears as follows:
firstname, lastname, userid, password
dave, jones, dj01, QAZWSX01
susan, peters, sj02, XSWZAQ01
I created the first testsuite (entitled Login) and the first step of this was a Datasource (file type).
I browsed the datasource (filetype) to the 'properties.csv' file - a dialogue entitled 'Import properties from a file' launches - hit the 'Yes'
'Import Properties' form launches - hit the 'Ok' to accept defaults - this creates the 4 properties that correspond to the header row in the properties.csv
Hit the options button for this datasource - this launches the 'Datasource Options' form.
On the 'Settings' tab, in the 'Start Row' editable field - input '1' and click 'OK'
Hit the green 'Play' tick to test the datasource works correctly - launches a dialogue - hit 'OK' - this populates the datasource with all the rows of data.
Hit the green 'Play' tick and when prompted for a number of rows to be retrieved - input '1' (replacing the default '10').
The above provides you a datasource of file type - that contains the parameter values might need.
I then add in the REST requests to build the test steps associated with the Login test suite.
I then capture the session variables into properties (correlation) for the TestSuite's 1 & 2 (via project properties or datasinks or whatever) - this means that you can run TestSuites independently rather than having to run them in sequence.
That's how I did it - but as I say - there are a variety of options
I read the above and I'm unsure if I've really been of help at all, but anyway - its a starting point