Forum Discussion

UnitTesters's avatar
10 years ago

[RES]Property Transfer


When using the property transfer test step I am running into issues when attempting to transfer the elemenets in my response message to the my data sink step which is an excel file

The XML repsonse I am receiving is in the format below (complete response) the issue I am having is declaring the namespace in order to have the value in RepsonseName transferred to my data sink file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Any help appreciated

3 Replies

  • SmartBear_Suppo's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
    I suggest you dont use property transfer. Try this:

    1. add a new property in the data sink
    2. In the value field right click and then click on Get Data
    3. Go to the Request> Response and you will get a window pop up
    4. Choose the <ResponseName>X</ResponseName>
    5. Run and check if the results match what you are requesting.

    If this does not help let me know so that I can find a different solution.
