Forum Discussion

karthikappqc's avatar
Frequent Visitor
7 years ago

Request Content-Length was not available in raw request

Note: The Test is working fine with different environment


Given Specific environment 

When Request made 

Then no Content-Length was generated by soap UI pro in Raw tab

And Request Log contains error :


  • 2018-07-04 22:47:50.123 - Error getting response; Software caused connection abort: recv failed



But the same endpoint is working fine in different project under Soap UI Pro for the same environment

and the different between this projects are the Content-type headers are passed from Request - Header tab in case of working project


and for not working project Content-type headers are passed from Request tab directly




Challenging things are the same suite working in different environment

and the same endpoint working in different project for the same step


Please support on sharing the area i should check to identify the challenge


ReadyAPI 2.4.0




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