Forum Discussion

bag's avatar
Occasional Contributor
6 years ago

rename project in soapUI pro.


i have rename the project in soapUI pro. by right click and rename. but I can not run the project(the hole test suite).

And i can still see in the "File" that it is the old name????????????

  • Renaming the project name is different from file name.
  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2
    Renaming the project name is different from file name.
    • richie's avatar
      Community Hero

      Hey bag 


      yeah - as @Rao said - renaming the project is different to renaming the file.  If you want to keep the filename consistent with the project name, it's safer to rename the project in ReadyAPI! then use the 'Save As' option to rename the project name to the value you want.  you can do it via just renaming the file in the directory, but that can get a little messy - so its more efficient to rename, then use the Save As approach,


      nice one



  • bag's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    wll my problem now is that I can not run any project. Even the onses I used to be able. And the scribt is disabled. I tried to run anthor project which I used to be able to run. But now I can not do it:(

    I get error:

    Tue Feb 26 13:38:04 CET 2019: WARN: The test run data of the Auto Svar Mail Anooymise Mail REST Project project will not be stored, since no appropriate database table was found.
    Tue Feb 26 13:38:04 CET 2019: WARN: The test run data of the Auto Svar Mail Anooymise Mail REST Project project will not be stored, since no appropriate database table was found.
    Tue Feb 26 13:38:05 CET 2019: WARN: The test run data of the test suite 'Prod Customer_nrs TestSuite' will not be stored, since there is no valid repository.

    • richie's avatar
      Community Hero

      Hey bag 


      to put it right (and I don't know if that's possible) we need to know exactly what you did to cause the problems.


      I think I've had the 'no valid repository' response before - disable and maybe re-enable test execution history can get you around this....'I think'.


      see the following:  link1 


      and link2



      you say you can't run any project now (which is kindof impressive if you broke every project! :)) but I'm wondering - is it every project?  Reason I ask is from the trace below - it mentions the same project twice and a testsuite - not another project....


      So - if you could provide details of what you did and the sequence in which you did those things, we might be able to sort it out for you, but it would help a lot if we knew exactly what you did.



