Forum Discussion

NSeibert's avatar
14 years ago

Relationship between DataSources and Generators


I am very excited about the new version. I noticed an old friend seems to be back. if I run an old test that used to increment on a datasource in 1.01 recently fixed, the same test in 1.05 (using a SOAPUI runner) does not increment the datasource.

The same behavior that was addressed in an earlier post >> Relationship between generators and data source. Seems not to have made it into the newer version, perhaps?

Thanks for the advice and great tools!

2 Replies

  • SmartBear_Suppo's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)
    Hmm, I just confirmed that the fix from loadUI 1.0.x is present and working in 1.5 nightly build.

    ...are you sure about this?
