Forum Discussion

mantrobusfull's avatar
Occasional Contributor
3 years ago

ReadyAPI not loading datasource XML files correctly

Running ReadyAPI 3.41.1, tried downgrading to 3.41.0 and the issue still persists. The information stored in source control relating to the data source (possibly other things as well) does not load correctly on the ReadyAPI UI when importing the composite project:

Picture below shows the XML file for one of my test cases, highlighted at the bottom is data source XML data that is restricted in length, and has a max length of 50



This picture shows what is loaded into the datasource on the UI when I import the composite project. Note that Address1 is not length restricted at all.

If i save the project right after importing the composite project I get prompted that I made changes on my git window which I haven't, has anyone had this issue before? I also see properties that I've deleted before still in the XML files.


  • Ok... I figured it out, if you have two street addresses in the datasource none of the datasource stree address options actually save, I'm unsure If this applies to other duplicate datasource types. Is there a place to file a bug on the forums?

  • mantrobusfull's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    Ok... I figured it out, if you have two street addresses in the datasource none of the datasource stree address options actually save, I'm unsure If this applies to other duplicate datasource types. Is there a place to file a bug on the forums?