Forum Discussion

edweerdt's avatar
4 years ago

ReadyAPI 3.8.0 - Project will not be saved since update from .7 to .8

I recently updated ReadyAPI from 3.7.0 to 3.8.0 and now whatever I add to the project and save is not retained. The next time Ready is started, all is lost. I also use git and successfully pushed the changes (so project is saved and changes were there) Nothing else has changed to my setup.


What can be done to solve this? 

  • Nothing was in the logs about saving, thanks for the suggestion. Out of frustration I deleted everything Ready/SmartBear and installed 3.7.0. and now it's ok again.

  • richie's avatar
    Community Hero
    Hey edweerdt,

    So adding/commiting/pushing to git works, but manually hitting save doesnt save your changes. Is that correct?

    Have you checked the readyapi log when you hit save? Of saving is failing it sounds like your changes are rolling back so id expect something to be written to the logs.


    • edweerdt's avatar

      Nothing was in the logs about saving, thanks for the suggestion. Out of frustration I deleted everything Ready/SmartBear and installed 3.7.0. and now it's ok again.