Forum Discussion

AI's avatar
New Contributor
2 years ago

ReadyAPI 3.47 - At least one test step was not added to the test case.

For the last weeks (after installing ReadyAPI 3.46) we had this error when opening our projects


"At least one test step was not added to the test case. Please make sure you have all the plugins installed and reload the project".


I have just installed version 3.47 with the hope this error was fixed but it seems it was not...


Anyone faced this issue and has a quick solution to it? Is there any "plugin" (as the message suggests) that needs to be installed?


This error invalidates over 50 of our test cases which makes it totally difficult to refactor one by one (and which btw worked just fine with version 3.44 at least).

  • TSRAO's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    I am seeing the same issue with the version 3.47"At least one test step was not added to the test case. Please make sure you have all the plugins installed and reload the project".


    Mine is Windows, and I don't see the folder "ReadyAPI".


    Do we have any fix for this issue? Now, I am using ReadyAPI 3.45 Version! 

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2

    May be you should create a ticket with customer support for quick resolution.

  • KarelHusa's avatar
    Super Contributor


    are you able to find if there's any test step that is missing? That could help to identify the cause.


    Anyway, I recommend raising a support ticket because there's no reason for this if you haven't used custom plugins before. ReadyAPI 3.47 release does not seem to remove any plugin, per release notes. Maybe the error message is a false warning only.

  • nmrao's avatar
    Champion Level 2

    If there is no compelling reason to upgrade to the latest, then you can still use the version working for you.

  • JesseHedges's avatar
    Occasional Contributor

    When you "upgrade" ReadyAPI, it installs in a different directory. If you had any external JAR files, you have to copy them to the new directory structure. 


    On a Mac, they will be under Applications>>ReadyAPI>>Contents>>java>>app>>bin>>ext. In Windows, they will be in a similar folder under Program Files (x86)>>ReadyAPI

    • AI's avatar
      New Contributor


      That looked like a good hint but I just found out we don't have any external JARs... I don't even have a ReadyAPI folder in Program Files (x86)