4 years agoOccasional Contributor
ReadyAPI 3.20.0 title bar prevents windows drag-to-top maximize feature
Something seems to have changed with the title bar in ReadyAPI 3.20.0 for Windows. It now does not show up with the theme coloring for windows title bars, but retains the same color as the rest of the app. Ok, no big deal, I can deal with color changes. But there is also a functionality change: When I try to drag the window by the title bar to the top of my screen, my usual way to maximize a window I'm working with, it doesn't maximize. The drag-to-top-to-maximize worked in all prior versions of ReadyAPI, including 3.10.2. I've tried uninstalling and re-installing to no avail.
Is there a benefit we get for this change to remove the title bar drag-to-top-to-maximize functionality? Is there a setting to restore the functionality?