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AAB's avatar
Regular Contributor
5 years ago

ReadyAPI- download a textfile from a URL with groovyscript

Hello,   I have looked at a dozen of possibilities online to download a textfile from a website, but none is actually OK for my case. What I need to do: Go to the website that contains a bunch of...
  • AAB's avatar
    5 years ago

    Hi all,


    Thanks for your help. and..... I've managed to do this with all of your suggestions 😉 I resolved this issue like this:

    Create testcase X, I've called it "CheckHeaders".

    In this testcase setup this framework:

    * REST Request

    * Groovy script1 (I've called it 'GetIDsFromRawRequest)

    * Delay

    * HTTP request1 (I've called it GetFileFromE2E)

    * Groovy script2 (I've called it Get FileFromURL)

    * HTTP request2 (I've called it GetFile Content)


    REST Request: This request is pointing to the REST Request that you want answers from. This request will give you the ID's you're searching for.

    Groovy script1: 

    import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
    def jsonSlurper
    testRunner.testCase.getTestStepByName("REST Request").testRequest.response.responseHeaders.each { 
    	if (it.key == "X-BOSA-ServiceInfo")
    		jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper().parseText(it.value)
    def applicationID =  jsonSlurper.ApplicationID
    def fsbTransID = jsonSlurper.fsbTransactionId
    def providerID = jsonSlurper.ProviderID
    def backendTime = jsonSlurper.BackendTime
    assert applicationID != "" : "applicationID is blank"
    assert applicationID != null : "applicationID is null"
    assert fsbTransID != "" : "applicationID is blank"
    assert fsbTransID != null : "applicationID is null"
    assert providerID != "" : "applicationID is blank"
    assert providerID != null : "applicationID is null"
    assert backendTime != "" : "applicationID is blank"
    assert backendTime != null : "applicationID is null"
    testRunner.testCase.setPropertyValue("backendTime",backendTime.toString()) applicationID fsbTransID providerID backendTime


    Delay:  this speaks for itself. In my case it takes a while before the logfiles are created and can be downloaded from the E2E.

    HTTP Request1: 

    This request points to the website where you want to download the files. This is a "GET" request.

    Groovy script2:

    import groovy.xml.XmlSlurper
    import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
    def getID = testRunner.testCase.getPropertyValue("fsbTransId") getID
    //read the http body without parsing as text. without headers
    def response = context.expand( '${GetFileFromE2E#Response}' ) response
    //read text as xml file, then with jsonparser find folder
    { "file found"
    def xml = new XmlSlurper().parseText(response)
    //lookup the pageproperty where the file is stashed and have a look how the webpage was
    //created. follow the div's and all its elements in it.
    xml.body.div[0].div[0].div[1].table.'*'.each {
    	if (it.text().contains(getID) && it.text().contains(".paldata")) { "Found it!!: surf to:" + it.text()
    		def url = "" + it.text()
    //put the url on testCase level in a parameter
    	testRunner.testCase.setPropertyValue("url", url)
    //create other step to send the url, in that step assert that all id's are present

    HTTP Request2:

    For this request use as Endpoint the parameter that you've saved on testcase level as such:  ${#TestCase#url}

    Add a script assertion to this request to get and compare the parameters.

    import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
    def holder = new XmlHolder( messageExchange.responseContentAsXml )
    def nodegetID = holder.getNodeValue( "//data[1]/RequestHTTPHeader-data[1]/fsbTransactionId[1]" )
    //get results from ResponseHTTPHeader up to ServiceInfo
    def nodeServiceInfo = holder.getNodeValue( "//data[1]/ResponseHTTPHeader-data[1]/ServiceInfo[1]" ) nodeServiceInfo
    //use a jsonSlurper to read out the content of ServiceInfo
    def jsonSlurper = new JsonSlurper()
    //parse the response
    def parsedJson = jsonSlurper.parseText(nodeServiceInfo) "ProviderID: " + parsedJson.ProviderID
    def getproviderID = parsedJson.ProviderID
    def getbackendTime = parsedJson.BackendTime
    def getapplicationID = parsedJson.ApplicationID
    //get the parameters from TestCase level
    def getID = context.expand( '${#TestCase#fsbTransId}' )
    def providerID = context.expand( '${#TestCase#providerID}' )
    def backendTime = context.expand( '${#TestCase#backendTime}' )
    def appId = context.expand( '${#TestCase#appId}' )
    assert nodegetID != null
    assert nodegetID ==  getID
    assert providerID != null
    assert providerID == getproviderID
    assert backendTime != null
    assert backendTime == getbackendTime
    assert appId != null
    assert appId == getapplicationID


    And for me, this does the job! 🙂 


    Happy testing  😉 !