Ready API license
Hi team,
Need advise on this topic : Initally when we used SOAP UI 5.4.0 free version and when we integrated automated tests to run via jenkins ....we installed SOAP UI 5.4.0 on Jenkins server ... we pulled ready api automated tests from github onto jenkins server , create a automated batch file and call the batch file from jenkins job . we have recently upgraded SOAP UI Free version to ready api licensed version and ... we have been issued Individual licenses and has been installed locally to execute and create our ready api tests .
However to make existing automated job to work and run our newly created tests using ready api version we need to upgrade SOAP UI 5.4.0 to ready API on Jenkins server but not sure how to handle licensing as license is tied to user not server .
How do team handle this as licensing is tied to individual and not server based ?
Do we need to create automated test user and issue license to him and run the automated tests under his portfolio from jenkins server ?
Can we run the tests using existing licenses on jenkins server ? If so how ?
Any pointers on how to move forward with this effort ?