Ready API 1.4.0 clearing SQL statement in JDBC Data Sources
Today I updated my Ready API version from 1.3.1 to 1.4.0 and noticed below issue.
I use JDBC data source in almost every single test case to fetch data from Oracle DB and feed to test steps. I've been doing the same using all previous versions of Ready API. After upgrade to 1.4.0, I opened one of my existing test cases and ran it using GUI. After executing test case, next time ran the test case, it failed because there was no SQL statements in the DataSource.
Given below are simple instructions to reproduce the issue:
1. Open any test case which use a JDBC data source
2. Run it first time
3. Close all tabs related to the test case and it's test steps(including the Data source itself)
4. Open the test case again and run it
Test case fails with exception :
java.sql.SQLException: SQL Statement to excute cannot be empty or null
5. Open the JDBC Data Source step in test case and check SQL Query field.
This field is found empty ( What ever SQL query you wrote in there would be gone.. FOREVER :-( )
This is a complete show stopper for my project because we use JDBC data source to feed date dynamically from database, without hardcoding almost nothing.... REVERTING to previous version of READY API for the time being and scratching my head trying to remember those lost queries.
Hoping for a quick fix.
Gilu Gopi
Hi, gilugopi!
Please check the maintenance build from I've fixed your issue there. Please let me know if it helps.
Hi, gilugopi!
Correct it's 1.4.0 (just maintenance - it's 1.4.0 version but it contains fixes for some know issues). This fix will be included into next vesrions of the product as well.
Installed the snapshot version of ready api 1.4.0 with Build Date: 20150821-0907 and the issue seems to be resolved.
Thanks for the quick fix.
Gilu Gopi