Forum Discussion
thanks that worked! Thanks a lot for your code.
Now, is there also a possibility to manipulate the date with -1 day?
So I can run the same test but now with a date = "yesterday" ?
mgroen2: That is possible, but that is going to increase the complexity of the in-line groovy script. Also, if you ever need to re-use this in another request, that will mean copy and pasting the same code over and over. One way I get around this is to put in a groovy script test step that writes to a properties step, and I reference the data I generate from there.
The groovy script you are looking for inline, though, is:
${= import static java.util.Calendar.* def now = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone('GMT')) String TimeStamp; now[DAY_OF_WEEK] = now[DAY_OF_WEEK] - 1; Timestamp = now.format("yyyy-MM-dd"); //; return Timestamp;}
As you can see, that can insert a lot of groovy script into the request that you otherwise might not want to see. And if you need to re-use it, changing it later may get out of hand. If you write a groovy script test step and a properties step (using the name of "Properties" for it in this example, you can use this snippet:
import static java.util.Calendar.* def datetimeDayFunct(int offset) { // In: Offset, in days // Out: Return generated time based off of now + offset in days. def now = Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone.getTimeZone('GMT')) String TimeStamp; now[DAY_OF_WEEK] = now[DAY_OF_WEEK] + offset; Timestamp = now.format("yyyy-MM-dd"); return Timestamp; } def propertiesStep = context.testCase.testSteps["Properties"]; propertiesStep.setPropertyValue("yesterday", datetimeDayFunct(-1)); propertiesStep.setPropertyValue("tomorrow", datetimeDayFunct(1));
This will provide you a snippet of code that, if you ever need to generate a new property, you can append and add to it. Your time generation is in one, central place and you can easily maintain it there.
- mgroen26 years agoSuper Contributor
Hi groovyguy,
first of all, sorry for the late reply.
Could you please assist me?
I have created an entry "Groovy script". Inside that I copied your script.
Then, when I press run, I get an error (see screenshot):
- Radford6 years agoSuper Contributor
You reference a test step in the line:
def propertiesStep = context.testCase.testSteps['Properties']
But looking at your test case in the navigator panel, you do not have a test step called "Properties", thus the above line returns null.
For your code to work you will need to create a properties test step called "Properties", and I think you may also have to pre-create your properties "yesterday" & "tomorrow" (Not 100% sure off the top of my head, give it a try both with and without).