Forum Discussion
Hi, We are unable to get online activation to work. We have an authenticating proxy, which accepts basic authentication, however could not figure out a way to provide authentication to the java process. Tried the below, but failed with connection timed out message
java -Dhttps.proxyPort=8080 -Dhttps.proxyUser=jenkins -Dhttps.proxyPassword=password -jar ready-api-license-manager-1.2.5.jar -f license_file
Please could you elaborate on how to provide basic proxy authentication credentials while trying to activate SoapUI license?
We never got our on-line activation working via basic authentication, our proxy in a corporate environment only accepts NTLM authentication. We have to rely on off-line activation (still waiting for API-3630 to be implemented).
I would recommend raising a support request, see if SmartBear can provide an answer:
- andy_new6 years agoNew Contributor
Thanks for the reply! Have raised a support request - will update this thread if we manage to get this working.
- andy_new6 years agoNew Contributor
Support was very helpful - asked to try this command which worked with a proxy accepting basic authentication
java -DlicenseFilePath=licenseFile -DfirstName=firstName -DlastName=lastName -Demail=email -Dhttp.proxySet=true -Dhttp.proxyPort=${proxyPort} -Dhttp.proxyHost=${proxyHost} -Dhttp.proxyUser=${proxyUser} -Dhttp.proxyPassword=${proxyPassword} -jar ready-api-license-manager-1.2.5.jar -c
Note use of http instead of https and parameter http.proxySet=true.
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