Forum Discussion

khurlburt's avatar
Occasional Contributor
7 years ago

Project already exists in the workspace

In SoapUI Pro: I have 2 projects I use in a workspace; they are very similar (but not exactly the same):  Project1 and Project2.  I cannot open both of them without answering a prompt.  Why does this...
  • groovyguy's avatar
    7 years ago

    A project is more than the name you give it. If you open the XML project file, you will see it has a "id=" attribute on one of the first lines. This is a UUID that ReadyAPI uses to actually identify the project. 


    Since you imported Project 1 and reworked it to be Project 2, as far as ReadyAPI is concerned they are the same project since they likely both have the same UUID in the XML. You can either create a new blank project and copy/move the parts of Project 2 to it, and that'll give you a new UUID for project 2. That way you can have both in the same workspace.


    Another option is to manually change/adjust the UUID in Project 2 so it doesn't match Project 1.