13 years agoOccasional Contributor
Placeholder for Groovy scripts
Since I have project, which is hard to test with standard assertions provided by SoapUI, I need to create a lot of "Custom Script" ones. Placing such scripts (methods) in TestCase or TestSuite is unpractical, same as have stored them in external file(s).
Is there any other way to store them at one place a and use only calls of them in assertions/setup scripts? It may reduce project size finaly, improve readability, and maybe performance too
Since I have project, which is hard to test with standard assertions provided by SoapUI, I need to create a lot of "Custom Script" ones. Placing such scripts (methods) in TestCase or TestSuite is unpractical, same as have stored them in external file(s).
Is there any other way to store them at one place a and use only calls of them in assertions/setup scripts? It may reduce project size finaly, improve readability, and maybe performance too