Forum Discussion

Brian_Mowbray's avatar
15 years ago

Performance test report options?

1) the statistics report generated by the load / performance test spit out a summary / averages for the run.  Are there any options that would allow for me to get the details - the stats for each run?

2) are there any other options for generating the reports that might be interesting?  The guide refers to setting options for the report, but not sure where to find what I can pass here?

1 Reply

  • SmartBear_Suppo's avatar
    SmartBear Alumni (Retired)

    sorry for the delayed response..

    1) If you want to save the stats for each testcase execution you would have to add a project eventhandler for the LoadTestRunListener.afterTestCase event, here you could save the desired data to some external storage.

    2) if you are well acquainted with JasperReports you can customize the reports to your liking, and also pass in any custom parameters.. this is still a bit undocumented though, but an improved documentation is in the making.

